CreativeSprouting SpiritSprouting Spirit tells the story of a young girl named Maple, who reminisces about the time she spent with her magical companion...
CreativeArt Squares (soft)A creative experiment. Procedurally generated color-based aesthetic nuggets. Made with TouchDesigner.
ResearchApplications of Strange Attractors in Generative Design AlgorithmsStrange attractors are a specific type of dynamical system that creates an attractor with a fractal structure. In this research I...
TechnicalBruce Museum: Climate ChangeWith Night Kitchen Interactive, we created an interactive installation for a climate change exhibit at The Bruce Museum in Greenwich, CT....
Technical2nd Sactuary: VR, Motion Capture, CompositingIn collaboration with Philadelphia performance group JUNK and Drexel University, I worked to develop an immersive media experience that...
ResearchHybrid Deep-Learning Approach to Intelligent Image RetargetingThis research explores methods of improving the seam carving retargeting algorithm to reduce artifacting and increase art-directability...
ResearchReflectance Transformation ImagingReflectance Transformation Imaging is a technique that involves taking multiple ultra-high resolution images of an object with different...
TechnicalReaction DiffusionMaking a man. Reaction diffusion is a technique that can be used to procedurally generate intricate organic patterns.